Ricerca CTF will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023

We will host our first CTF “Ricerca CTF 2023” on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The event will last 12 hours from 10:00 to 22:00 JST and will be an online tournament in Jeopardy format. The challenges are mainly from Crypto, Pwnable, Reversing, and Web categories.
Ricerca CTF is free and open to everyone, regardless of nationality or age. It is a team battle with no limit on the number of team members. You can also challenge as a solo team to test your skills.
Ricerca Scholarship will be awarded to the top three Japanese student teams as described below.
- 1st place: 100,000 JPY
- 2nd place: 50,000 JPY
- 3rd place: 30,000 JPY
"Organization V.S. Mode" will be available
You can participate in Ricerca CTF as a team representing a university or a company. The name of your organization will be displayed on the scoreboard if you wish. This is a great opportunity to invite your friends or colleagues and compete against each other to measure the skills of your team or company.
Enjoy the Challenges
Ricerca CTF is organized by top Japanese CTF players who have achieved good results and reached the finals in many CTF competitions around the world. The CTF players at Ricerca Security have experience not only in participating in CTF competitions, but also in organizing major CTF events such as CODE BLUE CTF and SECCON 2022.
We are working hard as a whole company to make this event a success. We encourage everyone to participate!
The registration form, scoreboards, and detailed rules will be announced in April on CTFtime and Ricerca Security's official Twitter account. Please follow us and stay tuned for more information.