Our Vulnerability Diagnosis Service Registered in the "Information Security Service Standard Conformity List”

Our Vulnerability Diagnosis Service has been certified as a service that conforms to the "Information Security Service Standards". "Information Security Service Standards" was stipulated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan. After being examined by the Japan Security Audit Association (JASA), our service was published in "Information Security Service Standard Compliant Service List" by Information-technology Promotion Agency Japan (IPA).
We will continue to strive to maintain and improve quality and provide services that meet the requirements and requests of our customers.
About Information Security Service Standard Compliant Service List
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan formulated Information Security Service Standard (SSS) for the purpose of promoting the spread of the information security service industry and fostering an environment in which citizens can use information security services without anxiety.
SSS stipulate standards for information security services that meet certain technical and quality control requirements and strive to maintain and improve quality.
JASA judges the services to be compliant with this standard, and publishes the list of services as an "information security service standard conforming service book". It is also published as "Information Security Service Standard Compliant Service List" by IPA.